DesetoOkno Kranj 2021
Veseli smo, da v prvih septembrskih dneh lihega leta spet odpiramo vrata specializirane enovitrinske razstave z mednarodno udeležbo EnoOkno, ki se, ker je deseta po vrsti, imenuje DesetoOkno.
Okroglo obletnico praznujemo v nenavadnih razmerah, ki jih je ustvarila pandemija koronske gripe, vendar nas nič ni ustavilo na poti do odprtja razstave.
V želji, da razstavo zagotovimo v vsakih razmerah, smo prvotno klasično razstavo spremenili v virtualno razstavo za vse udeležence, ki se udeležijo tekmovanja. Ker pa računamo, da bo človeštvo ta virus premagalo, in bodo razstave v bodoče tudi še potekale v živo, smo v sodelovanju z Gorenjskim muzejem uredili razstavne prostore tako, da domači razstavljavci razstavljajo tudi v živo, vse eksponate pa si obiskovalci v razstavnih prostorih lahko ogledajo na velikem zaslonu. Stopnjujoča se precepljenost bo omogočila obisk tako Kranjčanov, Gorenjcev in tudi obiskovalcev iz drugih delov naše dežele.
Razstavljene eksponate lahko ogledali prav vsi zainteresirani ljubitelji tekmovalnega razstavljanja iz Evrope in sveta, saj bodo, kot že navedeno, vsi eksponati na voljo za ogled na spletnem naslovu Zveze FZS do konca leta 2021.
Veseli nas, da se je javnemu pozivu odzvala večina dosedanjih prijateljskih Zvez in njenih razstavljavcev, možnost individualnih prijav in enostavnega načina dostave zbirke pa se je poslužilo tudi več novih razstavljavcev.
S tako izvedbo smo pripravljavci te dvoletne razstave zagotovili uspešno nadaljevanje tradicionalne serije razstav, ki so nastale leta 2003 v želji, da vzpodbudimo razvoj novega, takrat še eksperimentalnega tekmovalnega razreda.
Hvala vsem sodelujočim organizacijam – Gorenjskemu muzeju v Kranju, Pošti Slovenije, predvsem pa razstavljavkam in razstavljavcem, ki s svojimi eksponati krasijo letošnjo jubilejno razstavo.
We would like to kindly invite you to one-frame virtual exhibition DesetoOkno Kranj 2021.
Even if we are celebrating this anniversary in unusual conditions created by the corona flu pandemic, nothing has stopped us on the way to the opening of this exhibition.
To stage the exhibition in all conditions, we have turned the original classic exhibition into a virtual one for all participants. However, we expect humanity to overcome this virus and exhibitions to continue to be held with face-to-face meetings in the future. Therefore, in cooperation with the Gorenjski Muzej (Regional Museum in Kranj), we have arranged an exhibition venue for domestic exhibitors to show their ‘physical’ collections, whereas all ‘digital’ exhibits can be viewed in the same venue on a big screen. The continuing vaccination process will enable visitors from both Kranj, Gorenjska and from other parts of our country to appreciate the exhibits live.
The displayed exhibits will be accessible to judges and all interested fans of competitive exhibiting from Europe and from all over the world since all exhibits will be available for view on the website of the FZS Association until the end of 2021.
A big thanks to both cooperating organizations – Gorenjski Muzej in Kranj and Pošta Slovenije, and especially to all the exhibitors who have sent their exhibits to adorn this year’s jubilee exhibition.
A 1 Court of Honour | |||||
No. | Name | Surname | Country | Title of the exhibit | |
I | Veni | Ferant | Slovenia | The Everlasting Tree | |
II | Peter | Suhadolc | Slovenia | Cruising with Friends on a Sailing Boat Along the Croatian Coast – A first short course on sailing |
B1 Traditional Philately | |||||
NO. | Name | Surname | Country | Title of the exhibit | |
1 | Josef | Chudoba | Czech Republic | Engravings by K. Seizinger and by B. Heinz | |
2 | Les | Glassman | Israel | Lourenço Marques | |
3 | Boštjan | Petauer | Slovenia | Bosnia & Herzegovina 1910 | |
4 | Boštjan | Petauer | Slovenia | First Issues of Spanish and French Post Office in Andorra | |
5 | Rastislav | Spevak | Serbia | Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia | |
6 | Ondrej | Zahorec | Serbia | General Milan Rastislav Štefanik |
B3 Postal Stationery | |||||
NO. | Name | Surname | Country | Title of the exhibit | |
21 | Nicolae | Salade | Romania | Romanian Field Letters and Military Postcards Used for Propaganda During the Second World War |
B4 Thematic Philately | |||||
NO. | Name | Surname | Country | Title of the exhibit | |
22 | Liljana | Antonovska | North Macedonia | Horses – Companion of Man | |
23 | Klaus-Peter | Binnanzer | Germany | Dromedare – Hilfe in der Wüste | |
24 | Klaus-Peter | Binnanzer | Germany | Kaffee – Kleine Bohne, Großer Genuss | |
25 | Koenraad | Bracke | Belgium | Kopfweiden | |
26 | Peter | Kugler | Austria | Die Maske des Begehrens | |
27 | Peter | Kugler | Austria | Pandemie | |
28 | Liviu | Pintican-Juga | Romania | Nadia Comaneci, the Godess of Montreal | |
29 | Salvatore | Picconi | Italy | The Nuragic Civilization |
B5 Maximaphily | |||||
NO. | Name | Surname | Country | Title of the exhibit | |
30 | Stanko | Zafirov | North Macedonia | Steam Locomotives on the Balkans |
B8 Modern Philately | |||||
NO. | Name | Surname | Country | Title of the exhibit | |
31 | Boris | Vlajnić | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Banjalučko privremeno izdanje 1992 |
B10 Aero and Astrophilately | |||||
NO. | Name | Surname | Country | Title of the exhibit | |
42 | Hadmar | Fresacher | Austria | Flugpost von und nach Klagenfurt bis ca. 1950 | |
43 | Flavio | Riccitelli | Italy | The Greetings Cards at Reduced Rate By L.A.T.L. During the Christmas Period (1939-1941) |
B11 Open class | |||||
NO. | Name | Surname | Country | Title of the exhibit | |
44 | Koenraad | Bracke | Belgium | The Magic of the Snowy Owl | |
45 | Jiri | Kraus | Czech Republic | Dr. Václav Vojtěch – The First Czech in Antarctica | |
46 | Les | Glassman | Israel | An Economic History of Jews in Germany 1800-1940 |