Glede na počasnejše popuščanje pandemije bo specializirana enovitrinska razstava DesetoOkno Kranj 2021 potekala po dveh pristopih – v muzejskih prostorih v Kranju demonstrativno, tekmovalno pa v virtualni obliki na spletu.
Od slovenskih razstavljavcev pričakujemo sodelovanje po obeh poteh. O tem sledi še natančnejše navodilo. Upoštevajte pa nove roke: Rok za prijavo – 30. junij 2021, potrditev sprejema 15. julij 2021, dostava eksponata v elektronski obliki do 31. avgusta (preko wetransferja)a in v fizični obliki do dneva odprtja razstave.
Seznanite se s Pravilnikom razstave in se prijavite v roku.
The jubilee One-frame DesetoOkno Kranj 2021 (“Tenth Window”) exhibition goes virtual
With the desire to enable everyone who #stayathome and created new exhibits and in the hope of overcoming this unfortunate virus over the summer, we are announcing the tenth jubilee one-frame exhibition “DesetoOkno Kranj 2021”. The venue of the exhibition DesetoOkno will be Gorenjski muzej in Kranj, Glavni trg 2. It will be held from Thursday September 9 to Saturday September 18, 2021.
The organizer of the exhibition DesetoOkno Kranj 2021 wants to carry out the announced event despite the COVID-19 pandemic, so it is turning the competitive part of the exhibition into a virtual exhibition. The conditions for participation are set out in the Annex to the Rules.
New milestones: Deadline for entries – June 30, 2021; Confimation of acceptance – July 15, 2021; Exhibits submission via Wetransfer – August 31, 2021.